Marta Maria Casetti

Written words

Published translations, articles and short stories.


Trottole (Spinning) by Tillie Walden, Oscar Ink Mondadori (upcoming, 2018).

Femmes Magnifiques (Femme Magnifique) curated by Shelly Bond, Oscar Ink Mondadori (2018).

I ragazzi (The Boys) by Carol Emshwiller, in Le visionarie, curated by Claudia Durastanti and Veronica Raimo (Sisters of the Revolution, curated by Ann and Jeff VaderMeer), Nero Editions (2018).


Stephen Hawking era uno scienziato, non un meme - on The Vision (2018).

Le scienziate invisibili - on Il Tascabile (2016).

Short Stories

Some autobiographical short stories (in Italian).

Maths (the Academic Stuff)

(2016) M.M.Casetti, Complexity of the Gale String Problem for Equilibrium Computation in Games; MPhil Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science. It provides an extension of the result in the article to all labelings, regardless of parity.

(2010) M.M.Casetti, J.Merschen, B.von Stengel, Finding Gale Strings; published in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 1065-1072.

While we’re at it

My curriculum vitae.